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Who Made This Deal



Skin Colour - Light Complicated Brown




 SA / Apartheid - Sequence To Rainbow Nation

From Egypt To Rome = Peace Treaty

[War - Conquest = Some Rules Where Broken = Slavery Without Wage ]

From Britannia & Boer War = Concentration Camp + Other Side

Apartheid = Concentration Camp = Bio - Lab + Complex Set Up [Global] (Know Of It = DOn't Look Into It)


[Looking For The Products From This Investment = Super Solider ??? = WE Know You Wanted To Ask] 

Now For The Magic

EveryOne Had A Turn In A Camp = Fair [Some Longer Than Other] = No Picking Sides In The Debate For Some Can Speak & Others Can't


All This & You Can Still Make A Umbrella (It's Broken But Few Tried This)


Broker - Joke = Want To Find The Devil Who Made This Deal = Solid Formula Bad Client-al  

(The Conditions Are Perfect Still Analyzing The Growth Process & Formation Of The Vision - ( Look At Starting Base = Rome / Egypt)

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